“I get to be there for these children!” was how DL, a dedicated volunteer, responded to why he’s committed to drawchange. His answer seems obvious, and looking deeper resonates with a deeper sentiment that defines so much for us. DL shares that he loves, “being present for those kids...I like that we give them confidence in whatever they do.”
From Georgia to Kentucky, to Costa Rica, and Ethiopia the effect of drawchange on both its children and the volunteers reaches as far personally as it does geographically. The constant communication volunteers have with the children enhances their ability to “assist them, have communication with them, encourage and acknowledge them” says DL.
As we grow, the sustained support of our volunteers further develops our ability to reach more children and “just be there for them” as DL often repeats.
Jennie, founder and CEO of drawchange, offers that “while sometimes art can seem very technical, whatever the children do in the program is okay.”
A concept celebrated by another volunteer, CJ, who shares that the drawchange programs offer “art in its purest form” and that “art is creativity and it's the mix of ideas that can make a lot of beautiful things, or a mix of ideas together creating something that you couldn’t have come up with by yourself.”
Mikayla, who started as an intern and was recently promoted to Intern Manager, shares that “there is a drive to make this work because it is so good, it doesn’t feel exhausting. I feel energized and look forward to days I get to come into work [in the office]. It reinstalled a lot of confidence in me, and gave me confidence for my future.”
A sentiment understood by former intern turned Program Lead, Camelia, who says, “drawchange has given to me, and I want to give back.”
DL beautifully captures the essence of the organization, saying, “everything we do in that one hour is lasting.''
Our volunteers, staff, and contributors support our children to face the existential circumstances of poverty through the compassion shared in that hour. The focus of our curriculum is the children but the effect on our volunteers is just as evident.
Everyone in the room is moved. The growth inspired in the hearts of this community is the foundation of why and how drawchange exists. We are humbled and honored by our volunteers who continuously choose to commit their time and resources. As we look forward to all the goodness to come we are thrilled to see who will join us and how we will grow.