Happy Holidays! We are beyond excited to share this holiday gift opportunity with you. This gift honors your example and all the children taking a leap of faith in overcoming the challenges of homelessness. With a $25 donation in someone's honor, you will receive our 'Inspire Magic Holiday Gift' DIY guide emailed directly to you.
Thank you for your commitment to show love, inspiration, and joy to our community and those around you.
With a $25 donation in someone's honor, you will receive our 'Inspire Magic Holiday Gift' DIY guide. Not only is this a thoughtful gift to honor your loved ones, but you will also be supporting a non-profit organization that strives to make a change in the community.
Your donation helps us bring resources to children experiencing homelessness. With these resources, we empower them through the endless possibilities of art.
To receive your 'Inspire Magic Holiday Gift' guide, make a $25 donation or become a Sustaining Member before Dec 23rd by clicking here.
The drawchange family
Help us provide resources to children who are homeless with your gift. By providing them with these materials, we enable them slope game to tap into the boundless potential of creativity.