In 1963, Martin Luther King Jr. delivered a speech that changed lives for generations to come. His words still echo in the hearts of many today because he spoke about dreams. During the month of February, our nation celebrates the extraordinary lives of Americans like Martin Luther King jr. who dream for change. As we can see from the examples of these leaders, imagination is the foundation for empowerment. Individuals like Martin Luther King Jr. utilized imagination to believe that change was possible.
We want to pose two questions:
1. What if Martin Luther King Jr. was never able to imagine a better world?
2. What would history look like if the leaders of the civil rights movement missed moments of empowerment that taught them that they could change the world?
Unfortunately, this is the reality for most children living in poverty around the world.
Like Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., we believe in the power of dreams to positively disrupt cycles of hopelessness. Drawchange plays a crucial role in the development of imagination in a child’s life and has the power to change so much more than a moment for a child.
By expanding the imaginations of children, we work to expand their belief that they can rise above their circumstances. We are actively investing in their ability to dream!
By investing in our mission, you invest in the future leaders of change waiting to be inspired to dream for their futures and the futures of others!
Please consider a donation during Black History Month to honor the legacy of the past dreamers and to invest in the next generation of world changers.