About Us
Art is a vehicle to reach out to students. Engaging them with art enriches their study with all other curriculum subjects. Our strategy is aimed to spark the energy of world peace by igniting the love of learning in the world’s children. In using the research-based principles of integrating not only the arts but also art therapy into children's general curriculum, we hope to increase self-esteem and critical thinking skills to help them better cope with life's stresses. Wherever there is a need, drawchange wants to be there providing self-empowering art classes to children experiencing homelessness and extreme poverty.
Founded in 2009 by Jennie Lobato, visual artist by trade. Jennie possesses a deep understanding of what a difference the arts can have on children by being able to first and foremost envision all they are capable of being.
We serve children of Atlanta, Orlando, Tucson, and Puerto Rico, as well as international projects in Costa Rica and Ethiopia.

We have a committed global staff and volunteer base of Art Therapists, Psychologists, Child Behavior Therapists, Art Teachers, and Fine Artists.

Currently hiring for a part-time certified art therapist in Atlanta. Send resume to info@drawchange.org!
Drawchange meets the children in their environment; after school programs, orphanages, homeless shelters in the U.S. & abroad!

Our empowering art therapy-based curriculum was created and is consistently audited by licensed art therapists to ensure the growing needs of our children are effectively being served.